Monthly Archives: January 2015

Fermented Chicken Feed, Why and How?


The girls are checking out the new food cautiously…


I love to make things better than they are… To take something and make it even better gives me a huge sense of accomplishment! Maybe that’s why fermenting has become a bit of an obsession in the last few years?

So I have been meaning to ferment my chicken food for a while now, I’ve researched it on several different occasions and somehow it gets pushed to the back burner. I have more free time on my hands lately with this pregnancy. I can’t do anything too physical because of my pain I’m battling but staying home all day doing nothing is not an option for someone like myself! So I have dived into my fermenting and baking more than ever! That means I can finally ferment my chicken feed!

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Milk Kefir… Easy to Make and Easy to Turn into Cheese!


Mmm… Milk Kefir!

How did I not know how easy and awesome Milk Kefir was!? I have been fermenting lots of different things in the last few years and just never made it to Milk Kefir (MK). My sister sent me some starter culture in December and I am amazed at how fast and easy it is! And so yummy and good for me!

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Seeds…So many Choices! How to Choose the Right Seed For Your Garden?


Seeds, and more seeds, oh my!


Of course seed catalogs are arriving in people’s mailboxes left and right this time of year! It’s time to snuggle up by the fire and dream of what you will grow this summer in your garden. Flipping through the pages of glossy pictures with new varieties can be a little overwhelming at times. What do all of these terms mean? How do I know what to choose? I hope I can help you understand this all a little better after you read my post!

Knowing who you are ordering from and the quality of your seeds and service can make it a little easier…

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You Should Really Get to Know Our Family


I thought that being a new blogger I should do a better job of introducing all of us. We all play a part in making this home a Homestead. You can read about me anytime in my bio but you should really know the people who make me whole! Read more »

Our Homestead Then and Now


The sun setting over our pond… breathless every time!


Where we were.

We spent the last 6 years in a run down rental home trying to find our dream home. It had 6 acres most of it woods that we were able to hike in and enjoyed that. In the small area that was open around the house we had a large organic garden and a small flock of chickens. Of course we canned, cooked from scratch, and made our own natural hygiene and cleaning products etc. But we longed for more… Read more »

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